big agnes帐篷

人气指数:0 页面更新时间:2016-07-18 14:49

  big agnes采用先进的材料,面料是经过硅化处理的,去减轻帐篷的重量,今年一款超轻三人帐获奖了,这款Big Agnes同样采用了DAC的Featherlite® NSL超轻帐杆,可以说今年的帐篷在帐杆方面让DAC出尽了风头。这次Big Agnes Spur UL3的帐杆结构采用了近几年比较流行的树杈形结构帐杆,这种结构可以在重量上占有很大的优势,虽然帐篷很轻,面料很薄,但是依照BACKPACKER评测编辑让这款帐篷经历了风吹雨打的测试,其坚固程度和可靠性还是没有任何问题的。地丁采用的是Big Agnes的十字型地丁,重量轻而且强度高,帐篷细节方面比如夜晚的反光条设计等也是面面俱到。


  这款帐篷也是内层纱网的双层帐设计结构,地面大小为178cm*228cm高度为110cm,左右还各有一个76cm 的门厅。这样面积的三人帐篷空间还是让人满意的。



  Wonder why we called our company Big Agnes? The answer you receive depends on who you talk with and the mood we're in.

  Honestly, it's either a rocky peak in the Mt. Zirkel Wilderness Area outside Steamboat Springs, a laid back mountain town mama or dependable backcountry gear. We think it represents a little bit of each and everything in between.

  We've spent a lot of time in the local backcountry so we feel downright connected to it. We name our products after local history, places, peaks and rivers which is always a fun process. It brings back memories of trips both successful and epic and hopefully inspires you to come explore.

  From the Cross Mountain, named after a Yampa River canyon known for classic Class IV/V whitewater to the Encampment, one of the country's most scenic wilderness river runs, to more obvious names like the Divide Series, we think ours are some of the funkiest product names around.

  Right in our backyard, Two Track trail is where we run and ride all summer. The spring runoff around here is pretty spectacular so we couldn't resist including a couple of our favorite creeks like Sarvis, Deep, Mad and Lost Dog. Drive up Seedhouse road past Hinman park to the trailhead for Mt. Zirkel, the highest peak around, or hang a left to Mica Basin and camp by the lake or hike towards Big Agnes and over to Pomer Hoit.

  Given the long history of mining and exploration in the area, there are some pretty wild stories that took place far from town. Take the outlaws that narrowly escaped a se that spotted their campfire on Horse Thief peak or the boom and bust tale which unfolded on Farwell Mountain - named after John Farwell who built an extensive but ill-fated water ditch to power his hydraulic mining operation.

  Along the way, we've accumulated a few good stories of our own but we'll save those for some other time...

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